
Integra has developed Integra-NANDSim in order to accurately predict a Vt distribution of 3D NAND Flash memory cells in various bit storage methods such as TLC, QLC, PLC, and HLC.

There are two types of Integra-NANDSim based on the prediction method: the type .C (compact model) and the type .M (machine learning).

Integra-NANDSim.predicts the Vt distributions using compact models, Monte Carlo simulation, and device parameters.
Integra-NANDSim.M predicts the Vt distributions using machine learning trained on measurement data or TCAD results, ensuring precise outcomes.

Integra-NANDSim.C : Input

Integra-NANDSim.C : Output

Integra-NANDSim.M : Input

Integra-NANDSim.M : Output